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Mahayana Sutras

The Mahāyāna Sūtras are a broad genre of Buddhists Sutra scriptures that are accepted as canonical and as buddhavcana ("Buddha word") in Mahayana Buddhism. Mahāyāna sūtras, especially those of the Prajnaparamita genre, teach the importance of the practice of the six perfections (paramita) as part of the path to Buddhahood, and special attention is given to the perfection of wisdom (prajñāpāramitā) which is seen as primary. The importance of developing bodhichitta, which refers to a mind that is aimed at full awakening (i.e. Buddhahood) is also stressed. Another central practice advocated by the Mahāyāna sūtras is focused around "the acquisition of merit, the universal currency of the Buddhist world, a vast quantity of which was believed to be necessary for the attainment of Buddhahood".

Another innovative "shortcut" to Buddhahood in Mahāyāna sutras are what are often called Pure Land practices. These involve the invocation of Buddhas such as Amitabha and Aksobhya, who are said to have created "Buddha-fields" or "pure lands" especially so that those beings who wish to be reborn there can easily and quickly become Buddhas. Reciting the Mahāyāna sūtras and also simply the names of these Buddhas can allow one to be reborn in these places. * Manu Smriti- Manu-smriti, (Sanskrit: “Laws of Manu” or “The Remembered Tradition of Manu”)also called Manava-dharma-shastra (“The Dharma Text of Manu”), traditionally the most authoritative of the books of the Hindu code (Dharma shastras) in India.The text can be broadly divided into four, each of different length. and each further divided into subsections: - 1.Creation of the world 2.Source of dharma 3.The dharma of the four social class. 4.Law of karma, rebirth and final liberation. The text is composed in metric Shlokas (verses), in the form of a dialogue between an exalted teacher and disciples who are eager to learn about the various aspects of Dharma. The first 58 verses are attributed by the text to Manu, while the remaining more than two thousand verses are attributed to his student Bhrigu.


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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः