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Narada Purana

The Narada Purana (also Naradiya Purana) follows the style of the Brihannaradiya Purana in the first 41 chapters of Purvabhaga, but the rest of the first part and second part are encyclopedic covering a diverse range of topics.

The encyclopedic sections discuss subjects such as the six Vedangas,Moksha,Dharma, Adhyatma-jnana (monastic life), Pashupata philosophy, a secular guide with methods of worship of Ganesha, various avatars of Vishnu (Mahavishnu, Nrisimha, Hayagriva, Ram, Krishna, Lakshmana, Hanuman, goddesses such as Devi and Mahalakshmi, as well as Shiva. The text glorifies Radha as the one whose soul and love manifests as all Hindu goddesses.


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