
Stratification of Society in India !


Caste System in Hinduism is nothing besides a social stratification of Society.

The Social Orders

The Social Orders

According to Bhagavata Gita, one’s ‘‘caste’’ or position in society is specified by one capability, routine, and character – NOT by birth which is a broad myth amongst Hindus and non-Hindus. There is no structure and a hierarchy to the public order as each group of workers is just as significant as another in the functioning of society.

The four social orders of Brahmins (priests, teachers, healers), Kshatriyas (administrators, managers, politicians and monarchy), Vaisyas (farmers and mercantile class) and Sudras (manual labourers) all have a similar opportunity for religious development and are inferred to work in peace and harmony without bigotry, for the growth and progress of society. Compassion is that when we know the powers and flaws of the current vehicle (body and mind) then there are limited obstacles on the divine journey.

The Breakdown of Society

The Breakdown of Society

There are four phases to life brahmachari (celibate student), grihastha (married life), vanaprastha (retired life), and sannyasa (renounced order). One has an entire way to divine advancement no matter what phase of life you’re in and the four phases are a normal sequence. The safety of women, children, the elderly, and Brahmins are especially pledged in the Vedas as it is asserted that when these four classifications aren’t taken care of society comes to be subverted, quarrelsome and miserable.

Powerful family affairs and taking respect for elders proceeded to prevail and generally carried significance amongst British Hindus. The 2001 Census configure that Hindus are more accepting to be married (60.8%) than the broad population (43.6%), and less inclined to be divorced (2.7% compared to 8.1%).

The typical household size for Hindus is 3.2 correlated to a national standard of 2.4, and 48.6% of Hindus have at least one dependent child. The national norm is 29.4%. Hindus have the lowest percentage of lone parents of any religious group at 8.3% (national average 22.2%).

One’s part in the community and contribution to society and household through one’s task is also noticed as very valuable. This is furthermore indicated in the outcomes of the 2001 Census which revealed that Hindus are over-represented in the skilled and/or administrative responsibilities and Hindu men are more likely than average to be self-employed.

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