
The Misconception of Child Marriage in Sanatan Dharma


A prevalent myth about Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is that it promotes child marriages. However, this is a misconception. While child marriage has been a historical practice in some regions of India, it is not a religious mandate in Sanatan Dharma. The scriptures and teachings of Sanatan Dharma do not support child marriage.

Myths/Truths and Other Details

Myths/Truths and Other Details

Why There is a Myth?

The myth likely stems from historical practices in certain regions of India, where child marriages were prevalent due to social and cultural reasons. These practices were often conflated with religious teachings, leading to the misconception.

What's the Truth?

Sanatan Dharma, as reflected in its scriptures, emphasizes the importance of maturity and consent in marriage. The Vedas and other Hindu scriptures advocate for marriages to occur when individuals are of a mature age and capable of making informed decisions.

Scriptural Stance on Marriage

  • Age of Marriage in Scriptures: The Vedas and Ayurvedic texts suggest that individuals should marry when they are physically and mentally mature. For instance, Ayurveda recommends that a woman should be at least sixteen years of age and a man should be at least twenty-five years of age for marriage.
  • Consent and Maturity: The scriptures advocate for the consent of both parties and emphasize the importance of maturity in marriage. The concept of 'Swayamvara', where a woman chooses her husband, highlights the importance of consent and choice.

Modern Interpretations and Legal Stance

  • Contemporary Understanding: Modern interpretations of Sanatan Dharma strongly oppose child marriage, aligning with global human rights standards and ethical considerations.
  • Legal Prohibitions: In India, child marriage is legally prohibited, reflecting a contemporary understanding that aligns with the core principles of Sanatan Dharma regarding marriage.

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