The Role of Sun Worship in Sanatan Dharma
A common myth about Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is that it primarily revolves around the worship of the sun. While sun worship does exist in some forms within Sanatan Dharma, it is not the central focus of the tradition. Sanatan Dharma encompasses a wide array of deities and concepts, with sun worship being just one aspect of its rich and diverse practices.
Myths/Truths and Other Details

Why There is a Myth?
The myth likely stems from the prominence of sun worship in certain Hindu rituals and festivals, such as Makara Sankranti, which is dedicated to the Sun God, Surya. This visibility might lead to the misconception that sun worship is central to Sanatan Dharma.
What's the Truth?
Sanatan Dharma recognizes the sun as a powerful symbol and deity, but it is part of a much broader spectrum of worship. The tradition acknowledges a multitude of deities, each representing different aspects of the divine and the universe. Sun worship, while significant, is one of many practices within the diverse tapestry of Sanatan Dharma.
Sun Worship in Sanatan Dharma
- Surya, the Sun God: Surya, the Sun God, is revered in Sanatan Dharma as a symbol of health, wealth, and victory. He is considered a visible form of God that one can see every day.
- Rituals and Festivals: Festivals like Makara Sankranti and rituals like Sandhyavandanam involve sun worship, highlighting its importance in certain contexts.
Broader Worship Practices
- Diverse Pantheon: Sanatan Dharma encompasses a vast and diverse pantheon of gods and goddesses, each with their own significance and devotees.
- Philosophical Diversity: The tradition includes various philosophical schools, each with its own interpretation of the divine and the role of different deities, including the sun.
Modern Perspectives
- Contemporary Practices: In modern times, sun worship continues to be a part of Hindu rituals and festivals, but it coexists with other forms of worship and spiritual practices.
- Global Influence: The symbolism and rituals associated with sun worship in Sanatan Dharma have influenced spiritual practices worldwide, including yoga and meditation.