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अनादरो विलम्बश्च वै मुख्यम निष्ठुर वचनम पश्चतपश्च पञ्चापि दानस्य दूषणानि च।।

anādaro vilambaśca vai mukhyama niṣṭhura vacanama paścatapaśca pañcāpi dānasya dūṣaṇāni ca||


अर्थार्थ:- अपमान करके दान देना, विलंब(देर) से देना, मुख फेर के देना, कठोर वचन बोलना और देने के बाद पश्चाताप करना| ये पांच क्रियाएं दान को दूषित कर देती हैं।

Hindi Translation

Insulting, turning away, delaying, uttering harsh words and repenting after giving. All these 5 works contaminate donations.

English Translation

Giving donation after disgracing the person, after the delay, reluctantly, after speaking harsh words and doing repentance after donation. These five actions pollute the charity.

English Translation

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