
अन्तःसारविहीनानामुपदेशो न जायते । मलयाचलसंसर्गान्न वेणुश्चन्दनायते ॥

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antaḥsāravihīnānāmupadeśo na jāyate | malayācalasaṃsargānna veṇuścandanāyate ||


जिनके भेजे खाली है, वो कोई उपदेश नहीं समझते. यदि बास को मलय पर्वत पर उगाया जाये तो भी उसमे चन्दन के गुण नहीं आते.

Hindi Translation

Those that are empty-minded cannot be benefited by instruction. Bamboo does not acquire the quality of sandalwood by being associated with the Malaya Mountain.

English Translation

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः