धनेषु जीवितव्येषु स्त्रीषु चाहारकर्मसु । अतृप्ताः प्राणिनः सर्वे याता यास्यन्ति यान्ति च ॥
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dhaneṣu jīvitavyeṣu strīṣu cāhārakarmasu | atṛptāḥ prāṇinaḥ sarve yātā yāsyanti yānti ca ||
Those who were not satiated with the enjoyment of wealth, food and women have all passed away; there are others now passing away who have likewise remained unsatiated; and in the future still others will pass away feeling themselves unsatiated.
English Translation
जो अपनी दौलत, पकवान और औरते भोगकर संतुष्ट नहीं हुए ऐसे बहोत लोग पहले मर चुके है. अभी भी मर रहे है और भविष्य में भी मरेंगे.
Hindi Translation