
दूरेण ह्यवरं कर्म बुद्धियोगाद्धनञ्जय। बुद्धौ शरणमन्विच्छ कृपणाः फलहेतवः।।2.49।।

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dūreṇa hy-avaraṁ karma buddhi-yogād dhanañjaya buddhau śharaṇam anvichchha kṛipaṇāḥ phala-hetavaḥ


बुद्धियोग(समता) की अपेक्षा सकामकर्म दूरसे (अत्यन्त) ही निकृष्ट है। अतः हे धनञ्जय तू बुद्धि (समता) का आश्रय ले क्योंकि फलके हेतु बननेवाले अत्यन्त दीन हैं।

Hindi Translation

Seek refuge in divine knowledge and insight, O Arjun, and discard reward-seeking actions that are certainly inferior to works performed with the intellect established in Divine knowledge. Miserly are those who seek to enjoy the fruits of their works.

English Translation

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः