
कामक्रोधवियुक्तानां यतीनां यतचेतसाम् | अभितो ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं वर्तते विदितात्मनाम् || 26||

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kāma-krodha-viyuktānāṁ yatīnāṁ yata-chetasām abhito brahma-nirvāṇaṁ vartate viditātmanām


कामक्रोधसे सर्वथा रहित जीते हुए मनवाले और स्वरूपका साक्षात्कार किये हुए सांख्ययोगियोंके लिये दोनों ओरसे शरीरके रहते हुए अथवा शरीर छूटनेके बाद निर्वाण ब्रह्म परिपूर्ण है।

Hindi Translation

For those sanyāsīs, who have broken out of anger and lust through constant effort, who have subdued their mind, and are self-realized, liberation from material existence is both here and hereafter.

English Translation

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः