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Bhagavad Gita 9 10

मयाध्यक्षेण प्रकृति: सूयते सचराचरम् | हेतुनानेन कौन्तेय जगद्विपरिवर्तते || 10||

mayādhyakṣheṇa prakṛitiḥ sūyate sa-charācharam hetunānena kaunteya jagad viparivartate


हे कौन्तेय मुझ अध्यक्ष के कारण ( अर्थात् मेरी अध्यक्षता में) प्रकृति चराचर जगत् को उत्पन्न करती है इस कारण यह जगत् घूमता रहता है।

Hindi Translation

Working under My direction, this material energy brings into being all animate and inanimate forms, O son of Kunti. For this reason, the material world undergoes the changes (of creation, maintenance, and dissolution).

English Translation

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