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Bhagavad Gita 7 15

न मां दुष्कृतिनो मूढा: प्रपद्यन्ते नराधमा: | माययापहृतज्ञाना आसुरं भावमाश्रिता: || 15||

na māṁ duṣhkṛitino mūḍhāḥ prapadyante narādhamāḥ māyayāpahṛita-jñānā āsuraṁ bhāvam āśhritāḥ


मायाके द्वारा अपहृत ज्ञानवाले आसुर भावका आश्रय लेनेवाले और मनुष्योंमें महान् नीच तथा पापकर्म करनेवाले मूढ़ मनुष्य मेरे शरण नहीं होते।

Hindi Translation

Four kinds of people do not surrender unto Me—those ignorant of knowledge, those who lazily follow their lower nature though capable of knowing Me, those with deluded intellect, and those with a demoniac nature.

English Translation

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