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Bhagavad Gita 18 30

प्रवृत्तिंच निवृत्तिं च कार्याकार्ये भयाभये | बन्धं मोक्षं च या वेत्तिबुद्धि: सा पार्थ सात्त्विकी || 30||

pravṛittiṁ cha nivṛittiṁ cha kāryākārye bhayābhaye bandhaṁ mokṣhaṁ cha yā vetti buddhiḥ sā pārtha sāttvikī


हे पृथानन्दन जो बुद्धि प्रवृत्ति और निवृत्तिको? कर्तव्य और अकर्तव्यको? भय और अभयको तथा बन्धन और मोक्षको जानती है? वह बुद्धि सात्त्विकी है।

Hindi Translation

The intellect is said to be in the nature of goodness, O Parth, when it understands what is proper action and improper action, what is duty and non-duty, what is to be feared and what is not to be feared, what is binding and what is liberating.

English Translation

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