/shlok/raja-vesya-yamascagnistaskaro-balayacakau/राजा वेश्या यमश्चाग्निस्तस्करो बालयाचकौ । परदुःखं न जानन्ति अष्टमो ग्रामकण्टकः ॥
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rājā veśyā yamaścāgnistaskaro bālayācakau | paraduḥkhaṃ na jānanti aṣṭamo grāmakaṇṭakaḥ ||
A king, a prostitute, Lord Yamaraja, fire, a thief, a young boy, and a beggar cannot understand the suffering of others. The eighth of this category is the tax collector.
English Translation
ये आठो कभी दुसरो का दुःख नहीं समझ सकते … १. राजा २. वेश्या ३. यमराज ४. अग्नि ५. चोर ६. छोटा बच्चा ७. भिखारी और ८. कर वसूल करने वाला.
Hindi Translation