
ऋणकर्ता पिता शत्रुर्माता च व्यभिचारिणी । भार्या रूपवती शत्रुः पुत्रः शत्रुरपण्डितः ॥

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ṛṇakartā pitā śatrurmātā ca vyabhicāriṇī | bhāryā rūpavatī śatruḥ putraḥ śatrurapaṇḍitaḥ ||


जो लोग दिखने में सुन्दर है, जवान है, ऊँचे कुल में पैदा हुए है, वो बेकार है यदि उनके पास विद्या नहीं है. वो तो पलाश के फूल के समान है जो दिखते तो अच्छे है पर महकते नहीं.

Hindi Translation

Those who are endowed with beauty and youth and who are born of noble families are worthless if they have no learning. They are just like the kimshuka blossoms ( flowers of the palasa tree) which, though beautiful, have no fragrance.

English Translation

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः