साधिभूताधिदैवं मां साधियज्ञं च ये विदु: | प्रयाणकालेऽपि च मां ते विदुर्युक्तचेतस: || 30||
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sādhibhūtādhidaivaṁ māṁ sādhiyajñaṁ cha ye viduḥ prayāṇa-kāle ’pi cha māṁ te vidur yukta-chetasaḥ
जो मनुष्य अधिभूत अधिदैव और अधियज्ञके सहित मुझे जानते हैं वे युक्तचेता मनुष्य अन्तकालमें भी मुझे ही जानते हैं अर्थात् प्राप्त होते हैं।
Hindi Translation
Those who know Me as the governing principle of the adhibhūta (field of matter) and the adhidaiva (the celestial gods), and as adhiyajña (the Lord of all sacrificial performances), such enlightened souls are in full consciousness of Me even at the time of death.
English Translation