
सत्त्वं रजस्तम इति गुणा: प्रकृतिसम्भवा: | निबध्नन्ति महाबाहो देहे देहिनमव्ययम् || 5||

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sattvaṁ rajas tama iti guṇāḥ prakṛiti-sambhavāḥ nibadhnanti mahā-bāho dehe dehinam avyayam


हे महाबाहो प्रकृतिसे उत्पन्न होनेवाले सत्त्व? रज और तम -- ये तीनों गुण अविनाशी देहीको देहमें बाँध देते हैं।

Hindi Translation

O mighty-armed Arjun, the material energy consists of three guṇas (modes)—sattva (goodness), rajas (passion), and tamas (ignorance). These modes bind the eternal soul to the perishable body.

English Translation

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