सुखस्य मूलं धर्म:। धर्मस्य मूलं अर्थ:। अर्थस्य मूलं राज्स्य। राज्स्य मूलं इन्द्रियजय:।
Change Bhasha
sukhasya mūlaṃ dharma:| dharmasya mūlaṃ artha:| arthasya mūlaṃ rājsya| rājsya mūlaṃ indriyajaya:|
सुख का मूल है, धर्म। धर्म का मूल है, अर्थ। अर्थ का मूल है, राज्य। राज्य का मूल है, इन्द्रियों पर विजय।
Hindi Translation
The basis of “sukha” or all true pleasantness is “dharma” or righteous conduct. The basis of all “dharma” is “artha” or wealth. The basis of all “artha” is “Rajya” or the State. The basis for the stability of the State lies in control over the “indriya“ or sense faculties providing pleasure.
English Translation