
सुश्रान्तोऽपि वहेद्भारं शीतोष्णं न च श्यति । सन्तुष्टश्चरते नित्यं त्रीणि शिक्षेच्च गर्दभात् ॥

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suśrānto’pi vahedbhāraṃ śītoṣṇaṃ na ca śyati | santuṣṭaścarate nityaṃ trīṇi śikṣecca gardabhāt ||


Although an ass is tired, he continues to carry his burden; he is unmindful of cold and heat; and he is always contented; these three things should be learned from the ass.

English Translation

गधे से ये तीन बाते सीखे. १. अपना बोझा ढोना ना छोड़े. २. सर्दी गर्मी की चिंता ना करे. ३. सदा संतुष्ट रहे.

Hindi Translation

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