
तत्र वस्तुद्वयं वक्ष्ये दुर्लभं यस्य कस्यचित्। क्षीरं चैकं द्वितीयं तु नारी च वशवर्तिनी॥८४॥

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Tatra vastudvayaṁ vakṣye durlabhaṁ yasya kasyacit| Kṣīraṁ caikaṁ dvitīyaṁ tu nārī ca vaśavartinī||84||


With respect to that --i.e. to the practice of Vajrolī-- (tatra), I will speak (vakṣye) about a couple (dvayam) of things (vastu) hard to be obtained (durlabham) to whosoever (yasya kasyacid) (is poor)1: One (thing) (ekam) (is) milk (kṣīram ca) and (ca) the second (dvitīyam) (is) truly (tu) a woman (nārī) that acts obediently (vaśa-vartinī)2||84||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः