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Ramayana 1 18

विष्णुना सदृशो वीर्ये सोमवत्प्रियदर्शनः । कालाग्निसदृशः क्रोधे क्षमया पृथिवीसमः ।।1.1.18।। धनदेन समस्त्यागे सत्ये धर्म इवापरः ।

viṣṇunā sadṛśo vīrye somavatpriyadarśanaḥ । kālāgnisadṛśaḥ krodhe kṣamayā pṛthivīsamaḥ ।।1.1.18।। dhanadena samastyāge satye dharma ivāparaḥ ।


Sri Rama is like Visnu in prowess, the Moon in pleasing appearance, the all-consuming fire in anger, the earth in patience, Kubera in charity and the Sun in steadfastness.

English Translation

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