Apam Napat
He is golden in form, appearance, and colour, dressed in lightning. Standing at the pinnacle of power, he exudes unrivalled radiance. The Son of Waters is carried by Steeds as swift as thought. In the final stanza of his hymn, he is invoked as Agni and must be identified with him; Agni is also referred to as Apam napat in some hymns dedicated to him.
However, the two are distinct; for example, 'Agni, in accordance with the Son of Waters, confers victory over Vrtra.' The epithet asu-héman swiftly-speeding, applied three times to Apam napat, refers to Agni only once. As a result, Apam napat appears to be the lightning form of Agui that lurks in the eloud. For Agni, in addition to being known as Apam napat, is also known as the embryo (gárbha) of the waters, and the third form of Agni is described as kindled in the waters.
This deity predates current Indian timeline and dates back to the ancient Indo-Iranian period. In the Avesta, Apam napat is a water spirit who lives in their depths, is surrounded by females, is frequently invoked with them, rides swift steeds, and is said to have seized the brightness in the depths of the ocean.