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Gondi is a god worshiped by the Gond tribe, who are primarily found in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. He is believed to have the power to protect the tribe from natural disasters and evil spirits. His worship is an important part of the cultural and religious traditions of the Gond tribe.


According to legend, Gondi was created by the gods to protect the Gond tribe from the dangers of the natural world and the malevolent spirits that inhabit it. He is believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and protect the tribe from disasters like floods and droughts.

Religious Aspect

Gondi is worshiped as a god by the Gond tribe, who offer him prayers and sacrifices to seek his blessings and protection. His worship involves a variety of rituals and offerings, including the sacrifice of animals like goats and chickens.


Gondi is depicted as a powerful and fearsome deity, with a muscular body and fierce expression on his face. He is often depicted carrying a bow and arrow, which is said to symbolize his ability to protect the tribe from danger.

Cultural Importance

The worship of Gondi is an important part of the culture and traditions of the Gond tribe. His devotees believe that he has the power to protect them from natural disasters and evil spirits, and offer him prayers and sacrifices to seek his blessings.


The Gond tribe celebrates several festivals in honor of Gondi, including the Gondi festival and the Karma festival. During these festivals, devotees gather to offer prayers and sacrifices to the god, and to celebrate their culture and traditions.


Gondi is an important god in the culture and traditions of the Gond tribe. His worship is an integral part of their cultural and religious practices and is believed to protect the tribe from natural disasters and malevolent spirits.


"Gond Tribe." Indianetzone. Retrieved from "Gond Tribe." Cultural India. Retrieved from


Q: Who worships Gondi? A: Gondi is worshiped by the Gond tribe, primarily found in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Q: What is Gondi known for? A: Gondi is known as the god who protects the Gond tribe from natural disasters and evil spirits.

Q: What offerings are made to Gondi? A: The worship of Gondi involves a variety of offerings, including the sacrifice of animals like goats and chickens.


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