
Sarpasha Yogini

Sarpasha, also known as Chittala, is a mysterious and enigmatic yogini in Hindu mythology. With her unique serpent-faced form and intriguing attributes, she represents transformation, hidden knowledge, and the power of the serpent. In this article, we explore the captivating story and legend surrounding Sarpasha/Chittala, delve into her religious aspect, describe her unique physical features, highlight her symbolic representation, discuss her cultural importance, and conclude with an understanding of her significance as a yogini.


The specific origins and legends of Sarpasha/Chittala may vary across different Hindu texts and traditions. She is revered as a yogini associated with mystery, transformation, and the hidden aspects of knowledge. Legends associated with her emphasize her role as a guardian of esoteric wisdom and the transformative power of the serpent.

Religious Aspect:

Sarpasha/Chittala holds religious significance, particularly among followers who seek transformation, hidden knowledge, and the understanding of mysterious forces. As a yogini, she symbolizes the power of the serpent and the ability to tap into hidden realms. Devotees seek her blessings to navigate transformative experiences, unlock hidden knowledge, and embrace the serpentine energy within.


Sarpasha/Chittala is depicted as a four-armed yogini standing in the Dvibhanga pose, representing the curves and fluidity of her body. Her face takes on the form of a serpent, symbolizing her connection with serpentine energy and the transformative powers associated with it. She is adorned with various golden ornaments, which enhance her mystical appearance and signify her divine nature.

The pedestal upon which she stands is broken, adding to the mystery surrounding her. It is uncertain what mount she rides on, leaving room for interpretation and speculation.

Symbolic Representation:

Sarpasha/Chittala symbolizes mystery, transformation, and the hidden aspects of knowledge. Her serpent-faced form represents the serpentine energy, which is associated with transformation, wisdom, and rebirth. The Dvibhanga pose embodies the fluidity and curves of her serpentine nature.

The broken pedestal signifies the enigmatic and elusive nature of her presence, while the uncertain mount reflects the flexibility and adaptability required in the transformative journey. Sarpasha/Chittala's form represents the mystery and transformative power that lies within, urging devotees to embrace change and explore the depths of hidden knowledge.

Cultural Importance:

Sarpasha/Chittala holds cultural importance, particularly among individuals who seek transformation, hidden knowledge, and the understanding of mysterious forces. Devotees invoke her blessings to navigate transformative experiences, unlock hidden wisdom, and embrace the serpentine energy within. Sarpasha/Chittala's presence in cultural practices and rituals celebrates the mysteries of existence and inspires individuals to delve into the transformative journey.


Sarpasha/Chittala, the serpent-faced yogini of mystery and transformation, embodies the hidden knowledge and transformative power of the serpent. Devotees seek her blessings to navigate transformative experiences, unlock hidden wisdom, and embrace the serpentine energy within. Sarpasha/Chittala's significance lies in her representation of mystery, transformation, and the serpentine forces that guide the journey of self-discovery.

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