Kashi Saptapuri Yatra
Yatra Overview
10 km
1 km
The Saptapuri of Kashi
Location - Shankudhara Talab.
The best time for this yatra is rainy season and according to our scriptures this yatra gives Moksha after completion.
Vishnukanchi and Shivkanchi
Location - Vishnukanchi is located at Bindu Madhav temple and Shivkanchi is located thoughout the Kashi.
This yatra is best in rainy season and according to our scriptures this yatra gives Moksha after completion.
Location - Ramkund, Lakxa Mohalla.
This yatra is best done in Summer season and this yatra also gives Taptrayshaman( Destruction of three Tap of human) to the devotee who completes it.
Location - Assi Sangam.
This yatra is best done during the winter season and this yatra destroys the Rajoguna inside the devotee.
Location - From Vridhakal upto Kritivasheshwar.
This yatra is best for winter and on completion this yatra gives the boon of Mahajadtanash( End of Foolishness).
Location - Near Bakariakund at Alaipura.
This yatra is best done in the Autummn season and gives the boon of Bhaktivriddhi to the devotees.
Location - Everywhere at Kashi.
This yatra can be done throughout the year and gives the boon of Moksha to the devotees.