
How to over come Shadripu/Arishadvargas?


The concept of Shadripus in Sanātana Dharma makes us responsible for our own successes and failures. In the GitāBhagavān Krishna says –

One should uplift oneself by oneself; one should not degrade oneself. Indeed, the mind alone is the friend of oneself, and mind alone is one’s enemy”.

We all are in search of Happiness. Almost everything we do is for this search. Eternal unbounded happiness without a flash of suffering. However, on the path to achieving this happiness, we suffer.

Why will this happen?

We often use the word suffering loosely. we tend to confuse pain for suffering. Let’s attempt to perceive what the source of suffering is, why it arises, and what we will tend to do concerning it. Really it’s the Arishadvargas, the six negative characteristics of the mind: काम; Kama(lust), क्रोध; Krodha (anger), लोभ; Lobh (greed), मोह; Moha (attachment), मद; Mada (pride) and मात्सर्य; Matsarya (jealousy); They are also referred to as the षड्रिपु; Shadripus (the six enemies).

But the major question is where do they come from?

But the major question is where do they come from?

It all begins with the five Kleshas [Afflications or Poisons]. Below is the shloka that describes the five Kleshas in Patanjali’s Yoga sutras.

अविद्यास्मितारागद्वेषाभिनिवेशाः पञ्च क्लेशाः॥३॥
Avidyāsmitārāgadveṣābhiniveśāḥ pañca kleśāḥ.

These 5 kleshas [poisons/afflictions] are bedded on top of each other. A bit like a cake. Avidya [ignorance] the foundation of all, causes Asmita [“I” ness] and leads to Raga and Dveshas [desires], finally inflicting Abhinivesha [fear]. Let’s put it elaborately, mental object concerning ourselves causes the sensation of “I” ness or separateness, which causes us to own likes/dislikes or needs, which finally causes concern about not satisfying these needs. These fears finally result in the Arishadvargas, the six negative characteristics of the mind, that result in suffering.


Now let’s see how we can overcome Shadripus.



The Kama means desire. The Kama means to want something without restraint, without caring how one obtains that object/situation. The Kama means selfishness, caring only about oneself. The Kama means one highest goal is one s own comfort. The Kama is a fire that is difficult to put out. The Kama usually means the desire for some emotional fulfillment from another person or attraction to another.
Nowadays Yoga practices help a lot to become aware of and to help control desire.
At first start by sitting in Padma Asana, hands in Jnana Mudra. Nine rounds of Savitri 6:3:6:3 to steady emotions. Come to standing. Try to perform Jattis and Surya Namaskar.

Lord Shiva destroyed the Kama, the God of Desire, by burning him to ashes with the fire (intense concentration) coming from Shiva s third eye. Perform Shiva Surya Namaskar. The Kriya helps us to concentrate on Shiva. ability to destroy unwanted desire by controlling body, emotions, and mind.

Perform the above-mentioned Aruna and Shiva Surya Namaskar. After that lie down in Shava Asana and breathe deeply.


Krodha means anger, which springs from the frustration of desire. We want something. We cannot get it. We become angry. We desire to get things by any means, i.e to harm, hurt, destroy, break, and fight for it.
To overcome Krodha we must realize that our greatest enemy is ourselves. We must become great warriors with strength and skill to vanquish Krodha.
Sit quietly in Padma Asana’s hands in Jnana Mudra. If possible sit in Padma Asana(Baddha), locking all the limbs. We express anger through our Karmendriyas hands and feet, kicking and hitting. We bind these hands and feet in consciousness with Baddha Padma. Do nine rounds of Savitri Pranayama 6:3:6:3. Come to feet.

Warm-up: Perform Jattis and Aruna Surya Namaskar.
The warm-up yoga helps us to sublimate angry feelings with different versions of Hakaras. Hah is a military sound of aggression. When used consciously we sublimate these feelings. One must be heroic to overcome anger. So, we perform two Virya Asanas (I) and Virya Asana (II). To conquer anger one can perform Virya Asana, also using the Hakara.
Perform Kshatriya Kriya, the Warrior s Action. Come down to Vajra Asana and do the Hakara Kriya in Vajra Veerya Asana. Ar the end lie down in Shava Asana and breathe deeply.


Lobha Greed. We want everything only for ourselves. We should have everything. Everyone else should have nothing. Greed springs from desire and causes anger. We will not give anything to anyone. It makes your hand or mind hold on to something. The desire for worldly objects can be overcome by the poses of the Rishis who were great renunciates or Sannyasins. They had overcome greed for material objects.

Warm-Up: Sit in Padma Asana and put your hands in Jnana Mudra. Do nine rounds of Savitri Pranayama 6:3:6:3. Come to feet. Do Jattis and Aruna Surya Namaskar.
Throw out greed with Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika after shaking hands, while standing in Sama Sthithi Asana.
Vriksha Asana was a Tapasya Pose of the Rishis. Perform Vriksha Asana with hands in Namaskar. Do Vriksha Asana with all the Mudras. Hastha Pada Vriksha Asana. Vatsyana Asana, Brahmachari Mudra, Padma Asana(Baddha), Yoga Mudra and Matsya Asana.
At the end lie down in Shava Asana and breathe deeply.

MOHA (ILLUSION or Wrong dreams)

Moha makes us live in a dream world. We think if we can get the first rank, we will be happy. If we can get a 5 lakhs per month job we will be happy. These are all illusions (Moha). We must learn to see reality. To do this we must be flexible. The Yogic people see the world clearly, without illusion. The Yogic people’s view is opposite to the Bhogic ones. So, we perform Topsy Turvey Poses.

Warm-Up: Sit in Padma Asana and put your hands in Jnana Mudra. Do nine rounds of Savitri Pranayama 6:3:6:3. Come to feet. Do Jattis and Aruna Surya Namaskar.
Perform Double Leg Lift, Hala Asana, Sarvanga Asana, Sethu Asana, Paschittnothan Asana, Purvotthan Asana. Do Mehru Asana with one leg lifted, Mehru Asana with Head on ground and Makara Asana.
In this way, we learn to see the world from many angles and enlarge our perception of reality.
At the end lie down in Shava Asana and breathe deeply.


The ego can never love or be loved. The ego can not be intelligent. The ego puffs up like a pufferfish, full of self-value and pride. To overcome this one must learn to bend and show reverence and gratitude.
The ego is so tough that it’s expecting everyone and everything to bow to its wishes. One can counter this by learning to bend before higher wisdom, creating a flexible spine.
One can cultivate respect, gratitude, and lovingkindness.

Warm Up: Sit in Padma Asana hands in Jnana Mudra. Do nine rounds of Savitri Pranayama 6:3:6:3. Come to feet. Do Jattis and Aruna Surya Namaskar.
Perform Maha Souriya Surya Namaskar. Afterwards, do Mehru Asana, Dharmika Asana, Vajra Asana, Danda Kriya, Supta Vajra Asana, Shashanga Asana . Turn over and perform Chakra Asana and Sethu Asana.
Lie down in Shava Asana and breathe deeply.



Jealousy is vicious, like a rat, biting at everyone and everything, filled with spite and hatred.
Jealousy is like a snake full of venom. Jealousy is a scorpion filled with poison. One can remove that venom easily with some Yoga practices like Bhujangini Mudra. One can open one’s heart to realize that all beings are one. How can we be jealous of ourselves? The Namaskar Mudra teaches us that God dwells in all, so. how can we be jealous of anyone?

Warm Up: Shake hands, legs, Nasarga Mukha Bhastika. Touch toes, Jumping Jacks, Clapping, and Aruna Surya Namaskar.
Vedic Surya Namaskar 1st and 2nd parts Vajra Asana with Namaskar Mudra, Anjali Mudra. Lie down relax yourself and perform Bhujangini Mudra 9 times. Bhujanga Asana, Shalabha Asana and Dhanur Asana.
In the last lie down in Shava Asana and breathe deeply.

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