अभिनवगुप्तस्य कृतिः सेयं यस्योदिता गुरुभिराख्या। त्रिनयनचरणसरोरुहचिन्तनलब्धप्रसिद्धिरिति॥२०॥
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Abhinavaguptasya kṛtiḥ seyaṁ yasyoditā gurubhirākhyā| Trinayanacaraṇasaroruhacintanalabdhaprasiddhiriti||20||
This very (book) (sā iyam) is the work (kṛtiḥ) of Abhinavagupta (abhinavaguptasya), whose (yasya) name (ākhyā) was communicated (to him) (uditā) by (his) Guru-s (gurubhiḥ). His 'accomplishment' (to do all this) has also been gotten by contemplating of the lotus feet of the Three-eyed One --i.e. Śiva-- (tri-nayana-caraṇa-saroruha-cintana-labdha-prasiddhiḥ iti)||20||
English Translation