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Mundaka Upanishad 1 2

अथर्वणे यां प्रवदेत ब्रह्माऽथर्वा तं पुरोवाचाङ्गिरे ब्रह्मविद्याम् । स भारद्वाजाय सत्यवाहाय प्राह भारद्वाजोऽङ्गिरसे परावराम् ॥ २॥

atharvaṇe yāṃ pravadeta brahmā’tharvā taṃ purovācāṅgire brahmavidyām . sa bhāradvājāya satyavāhāya prāha bhāradvājo’ṅgirase parāvarām .. 2..


The Knowledge of Brahman about which Brahma told Atharva, Atharva, in olden times, told Angir. Angir taught it to Satyavaha, belonging to the clan of Bharadvaja and the latter taught it, in succession, to Angiras 

English Translation

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