
आत्मैव धर्म इत्युक्तः शिवामृतपरिप्लुतः। प्रकाशावस्थितं ज्ञानं भावाभावादिमध्यतः॥८३॥

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Ātmaiva dharma ityuktaḥ śivāmṛtapariplutaḥ| Prakāśāvasthitaṁ jñānaṁ bhāvābhāvādimadhyataḥ||83||


(So,) the Self alone (ātmā eva), immersed in the Nectar of Śiva (śiva-amṛta-pariplutaḥ), is said to be (uktaḥ) 'the main quality' (of all the tattva-s) (dharmaḥ iti). (This) Knowledge (jñānam) resides in the (conscious) Light (prakāśa-avasthitam) between objects which exist and which do not exist --lit. between existence and nonexistence, i.e. between two things, e.g. between one thought that is existing and another thought that is still coming--, etc. (bhāva-abhāva-ādi-madhyataḥ).

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