
अतो ज्ञेयस्य तत्त्वस्य सामस्त्येनाप्रथात्मकम्। ज्ञानमेव तदज्ञानं शिवसूत्रेषु भाषितम्॥२६॥

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Ato jñeyasya tattvasya sāmastyenāprathātmakam| Jñānameva tadajñānaṁ śivasūtreṣu bhāṣitam||26||


For this reason (atas), in Śivasūtra-s (śiva-sūtreṣu), that ignorance (tad-ajñānam) (is) mentioned (bhāṣitam) (as) just (eva) incomplete --lit. which is not expanding completely-- (sāmastyena aprathātmakam) knowledge (jñānam) of the Principle which is to be known --i.e. Śiva-- (jñeyasya tattvasya)||26||

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