
अतोऽत्रान्तर्गतं सर्वं सम्प्रदायोज्झितैर्बुधैः। अदृष्टं प्रकटीकुर्मो गुरुनाथाज्ञया वयम्॥१९॥

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Ato'trāntargataṁ sarvaṁ sampradāyojjhitairbudhaiḥ| Adṛṣṭaṁ prakaṭīkurmo gurunāthājñayā vayam||19||


Therefore (atas), by command of (my) Guru (guru-nātha-ājñayā), I display (prakaṭī-kurmaḥ... vayam) all that (sarvam) is there inside (the 92 Tantra-s) (atra antargatam) (but) was not perceived (adṛṣṭam) by the budha-s --in this context, scholars without an actual realization-- (budhaiḥ) who had abandoned the sacred tradition (sampradāya-ujjhitaiḥ)||19||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः