
अविद्यास्मितारागद्वेषाभिनिवेशाः पञ्च क्लेशाः॥३॥

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Avidyāsmitārāgadveṣābhiniveśāḥ pañca kleśāḥ||3||


Ignorance (in the form of a misapprehension about Reality) (avidyā), egoism (in the form of an erroneous identification of the Self with the intellect) (asmitā), attachment (rāga), aversion (dveṣa) and fear of death (which is derived from clinging ignorantly to life) --abhiniveśa-- (abhiniveśāḥ) are the five (pañca) Kleśa-s or Afflictions (kleśāḥ)||3||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः