अविज्ञाय शिवं दीक्षा कथमित्यत्र चोत्तरम्। क्षुधाद्यनुभवो नैव विकल्पो नहि मानसः॥७५॥
Avijñāya śivaṁ dīkṣā kathamityatra cottaram| Kṣudhādyanubhavo naiva vikalpo nahi mānasaḥ||75||
If there is no knowledge about Śiva (avijñāya śivam), how (can there be) (katham) initiation (at all) (dīkṣā... iti)?'. The answer (uttaram) to this (question) (atra ca) (by Hara is as follows:) 'The experience of hunger, etc. (kṣudh-ādi-anubhavaḥ) is not at all (na eva) vikalpa (vikalpaḥ), it is not (nahi) mental (mānasaḥ)'||75||
English Translation
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