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Tantralok 1 62

भुवनं विग्रहो ज्योतिः खं शब्दो मन्त्र एव च। बिन्दुनादादिसम्भिन्नः षड्विधः शिव उच्यते॥६२॥

Bhuvanaṁ vigraho jyotiḥ khaṁ śabdo mantra eva ca| Bindunādādisambhinnaḥ ṣaḍvidhaḥ śiva ucyate||62||


Śiva (śivaḥ) is said to be (ucyate) sixfold (ṣaḍvidhaḥ): (1) (Lords of) the world(s) --lit. world-- (bhuvanam), (2) highest Rudra-s --e.g. Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Rudra, etc.-- --lit. body-- (vigrahaḥ), (3) Turya at every junction in this universe --lit. light-- (jyotiḥ), (4) states which are totally void --i.e. śakti, vyāpinī and samanā-- --lit. vyoma, i.e. vacuity, ether-- (kham), (5) the Supreme Nāda --lit. sound-- (śabdaḥ) and (eva ca) (6) the three praṇava-s (mantraḥ); (all of them) coming into contact with Bindu --Vimarśa--, Nāda --Prakāśa--, etc. (bindu-nāda-ādi-sambhinnaḥ)||62||

English Translation

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