
चैतन्यमात्मा ज्ञानं च बन्ध इत्यत्र सूत्रयोः। संश्लेषेतरयोगाभ्यामयमर्थः प्रदर्शितः॥२७॥

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Caitanyamātmā jñānaṁ ca bandha ityatra sūtrayoḥ| Saṁśleṣetarayogābhyāmayamarthaḥ pradarśitaḥ||27||


This (ayam) meaning (arthaḥ) is shown (pradarśitaḥ) by the methods of joining together or separating (saṁśleṣa-itara-yogābhyām) in the case of the (two first) aphorisms (sūtrayoḥ) here --in Śivasūtra-s-- (atra), i.e. 'Consciousness with Absolute Freedom to know and do all (caitanyam) (is) the Self or true nature of Reality (ātmā)' and (ca) 'The (limited or contracted) knowledge (jñānam) (is) bondage (bandhaḥ iti)'||27||


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