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देहसद्भावपर्यन्तमात्मभावो यतो धियि। देहान्तेऽपि न मोक्षः स्यात्पौरुषाज्ञानहानितः॥४९॥

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Dehasadbhāvaparyantamātmabhāvo yato dhiyi| Dehānte'pi na mokṣaḥ syātpauruṣājñānahānitaḥ||49||


Hence (yatas), (even after receiving initiation,) as long as the (physical) body exists (deha-sadbhāva-paryantam), (there persists) I-ness in (the sphere of) the intellect --viz. this is bauddhājñāna-- (ātma-bhāvaḥ... dhiyi) --this is a possible course if the disciple does not develop bauddhajñāna or intellectual knowledge by studying the non-dualistic Śiva's scriptures--. (But, even in that case, bauddhājñāna) does not (persist) (na) when the (physical) body ends --i.e. at the time of death-- (deha-ante api), (and then) there is (syāt) Liberation (mokṣaḥ) due to the disappearance of pauruṣājñāna --ignorance about the Self-- (pauruṣa-ajñāna-hānitaḥ)||49||

English Translation

श्लोक या मंत्र खोजें

अपना श्लोक/मंत्र खोजने के लिए कुछ भी टाइप करें

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः


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