Katha Upanishad 1 22
देवैरत्रापि विचिकित्सितं किल त्वं च मृत्यो यन्न सुज्ञेयमात्थ । वक्ता चास्य त्वादृगन्यो न लभ्यो नान्यो वरस्तुल्य एतस्य कश्चित् ॥
devairatrapi vicikitsitam kila tvam ca mrtyo yanna sujneyamattha I vakta casya tvadrganyo na labhyo nanyo varastulya etasya kascit II
Nachiketa said: O Death, even the gods have their doubts about this subject; and you have declared it to be not easy to understand. But another teacher like you cannot be found and surely no other boon is comparable to this.
English Translation
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