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देवो ह्यन्वर्थशास्त्रोक्तैः शब्दैः समुपदिश्यते। महाभैरवदेवोऽयं पतिर्यः परमः शिवः॥९४॥

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Devo hyanvarthaśāstroktaiḥ śabdaiḥ samupadiśyate| Mahābhairavadevo'yaṁ patiryaḥ paramaḥ śivaḥ||94||


Deva --lit. God-- (devaḥ) is indeed indicated (hi... samupadiśyate) by means of words to be found --lit. spoken-- in scriptures dealing with etymology (anvartha-śāstra-uktaiḥ śabdaiḥ). This One (ayam) Mahābhairavadeva (mahā-bhairava-devaḥ) who (yaḥ) (is) Pati (patiḥ) (is none other than) Paramaśiva (paramaḥ śivaḥ) --all these names of His will be explained in the next stanzas||94||

English Translation

श्लोक या मंत्र खोजें

अपना श्लोक/मंत्र खोजने के लिए कुछ भी टाइप करें

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः


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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः