
दीप्तज्योतिश्छटाप्लुष्टभेदबन्धत्रयं स्फुरत्। स्ताज्ज्ञानशूलं सत्पक्षविपक्षोत्कर्तनक्षमम्॥४॥

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Dīptajyotiśchaṭāpluṣṭabhedabandhatrayaṁ sphurat| Stājjñānaśūlaṁ satpakṣavipakṣotkartanakṣamam||4||


Let the Trident of Knowledge --i.e. the Parāparā or Supreme nonSupreme Goddess-- continue (stāt jñānaśūlam) to vibrate and shine (sphurat) with the three dualistic (kinds of) bondage scorched by the Splendor of Its radiant Light (dīpta-jyotis-chaṭā-pluṣṭa-bheda-bandha-trayam), (and let It be) able to cut to pieces the enemies of Jagadānanda --the Bliss of realizing that the entire universe is the Supreme Śiva-- (satpakṣa-vipakṣa-utkartana-kṣamam)!||4||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः