दिव्यो ह्यमूर्तः पुरुषः स बाह्याभ्यन्तरो ह्यजः । अप्राणो ह्यमनाः शुभ्रो ह्यक्षरात् परतः परः ॥ २॥
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divyo hyamūrtaḥ puruṣaḥ sa bāhyābhyantaro hyajaḥ . aprāṇo hyamanāḥ śubhro hyakṣarāt parataḥ paraḥ .. 2..
He is the self-luminous and formless Purusha, uncreated and existing both within and without. He is devoid of prana, devoid of mind, pure and higher than the supreme Imperishable.
English Translation