
द्वैतप्रथा तदज्ञानं तुच्छत्वाद्बन्ध उच्यते। तत एव समुच्छेद्यमित्यावृत्त्या निरूपितम्॥३०॥

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Dvaitaprathā tadajñānaṁ tucchatvādbandha ucyate| Tata eva samucchedyamityāvṛttyā nirūpitam||30||


That ignorance --i.e. Āṇavamala-- (tad-ajñānam) (is) the expansion of (this) dualism (dvaita-prathā), (and) since it is worthless (tucchatvāt) it is said to be (ucyate) bondage (bandhaḥ). Therefore (tatas eva), it is to be completely eliminated (samucchedyam). This was established (nirūpitam) by repetition --i.e. by joining the first two aphorisms of Śivasūtra-s together and by keeping them both separated-- (āvṛttyā)||30||

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