
एतेषु यश्चरते भ्राजमानेषु यथाकालं चाहुतयो ह्याददायन् । तं नयन्त्येताः सूर्यस्य रश्मयो यत्र देवानां पतिरेकोऽधिवासः ॥ ५॥

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eteṣu yaścarate bhrājamāneṣu yathākālaṃ cāhutayo hyādadāyan . taṃ nayantyetāḥ sūryasya raśmayo yatra devānāṃ patireko’dhivāsaḥ .. 5..


A man who performs the sacrifices when these flames are shining and offers oblations at the right time, is carried by these oblations on the rays of the sun to where dwells the sole sovereign of the gods. 

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः