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Tantralok 1 86

गतिः स्थानं स्वप्नजाग्रदुन्मेषणनिमेषणे। धावनं प्लवनं चैव आयासः शक्तिवेदनम्॥८६॥

Gatiḥ sthānaṁ svapnajāgradunmeṣaṇanimeṣaṇe| Dhāvanaṁ plavanaṁ caiva āyāsaḥ śaktivedanam||86||


(All) this (eṣaḥ) (is) 'rāma' (rāmaḥ): (1) Moving (gatiḥ), (2) staying (sthānam), (3, 4, 5, 6) being in dreams or wakefulness, being with open or closed eyes (svapna-jāgrat-unmeṣa-ṇanimeṣaṇe), (7) running (dhāvanam), and (ca eva) (8) jumping (plavanam), (9) not knowing (āyāsaḥ), (10) being aware of the senses (śakti-vedanam).

English Translation

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