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Katha Upanishad 2 2

हँसः शुचिषद्वसुरान्तरिक्षसद्- होता वेदिषदतिथिर्दुरोणसत् । नृषद्वरसदृतसद्व्योमसद् अब्जा गोजा ऋतजा अद्रिजा ऋतं बृहत् ॥ २॥

ham̐saḥ śuciṣadvasurāntarikṣasad- hotā vediṣadatithirduroṇasat . nṛṣadvarasadṛtasadvyomasad abjā gojā ṛtajā adrijā ṛtaṃ bṛhat .. 2..


He is the sun dwelling in the bright heavens. He is the air in the interspace. He is the fire dwelling on earth. He is the guest dwelling in the house. He dwells in men, in the gods, in truth, in the sky. He is born in the water, on earth, in the sacrifice, on the mountains. He is the True and the Great. 

- Sri Shankaracharya

English Translation

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