
इत्यहं बहुशः सद्भिः शिष्यसब्रह्मचारिभिः। अर्थितो रचये स्पष्टां पूर्णार्थां प्रक्रियामिमाम्॥१५॥

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Ityahaṁ bahuśaḥ sadbhiḥ śiṣyasabrahmacāribhiḥ| Arthito racaye spaṣṭāṁ pūrṇārthāṁ prakriyāmimām||15||


In this way (iti), having been repeatedly requested (bahuśaḥ... arthitaḥ) by good disciples and colleagues (sadbhiḥ śiṣya-sabrahmacāribhiḥ), I compose (racaye) this (imām) clear (spaṣṭām) work (prakriyām) containing the complete meanings (pūrṇa-arthām)||15||


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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः