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Katha Upanishad 1 10

जानाम्यहं शेवधिरित्यनित्यं न ह्यध्रुवैः प्राप्यते हि ध्रुवं तत् । ततो मया नाचिकेतश्चितोऽग्निः अनित्यैर्द्रव्यैः प्राप्तवानस्मि नित्यम् ॥ १०॥

jānāmyahaṃ śevadhirityanityaṃ na hyadhruvaiḥ prāpyate hi dhruvaṃ tat | tato mayā nāciketaścito’gniḥ anityairdravyaiḥ prāptavānasmi nityam || 10||


Yama said: I know that the treasure resulting from action is not eternal; for what is eternal cannot be obtained by the non- eternal. Yet I have performed the Nachiketa sacrifice with the help of non-eternal things and attained this position which is only relatively eternal. 

English Translation

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