
जयताज्जगदुद्धृतिक्षमोऽसौ भगवत्या सह शम्भुनाथ एकः। यदुदीरितशासनांशुभिर्मे प्रकटोऽयं गहनोऽपि शास्त्रमार्गः॥१३॥

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Jayatājjagaduddhṛtikṣamo'sau bhagavatyā saha śambhunātha ekaḥ| Yadudīritaśāsanāṁśubhirme prakaṭo'yaṁ gahano'pi śāstramārgaḥ||13||


Glory to (jayatāt) the unique (ekaḥ) Śambhunātha (śambhunāthaḥ) along with (his) venerable woman (acting as an assistant) (bhagavatyā saha). He (asau) could rescue the (entire) world (jagat-uddhṛti-kṣamaḥ)! By means of the rays of the teachings that he enunciated (yad-udīrita-śāsana-aṁśubhiḥ), this (ayam) path of the scriptures (śāstra-mārgaḥ), though (api) hard to be understood (gahanaḥ), has become clear (prakaṭaḥ) to me (me)||13||


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