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Mundaka Upanishad 1 4

काली कराली च मनोजवा च सुलोहिता या च सुधूम्रवर्णा । स्फुलिङ्गिनी विश्वरुची च देवी लेलायमाना इति सप्त जिह्वाः ॥ ४॥

kālī karālī ca manojavā ca sulohitā yā ca sudhūmravarṇā . sphuliṅginī viśvarucī ca devī lelāyamānā iti sapta jihvāḥ .. 4..


Kali (the Black), Karali (the Terrific), Manojava (the Swift as thought), Sulohita (the Very red), Sudhumravarna (of the colour of bright smoke; purple), Splulingini (the Scintillating) and the luminous Visvaruchi (the All-gleaming, all- formed)-these seven, flickering about, form the seven tongues of the fire. 

English Translation

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