कल्मषक्षीणमनसा स्मृतिमात्रनिरोधनात्। ध्यायते परमं ध्येयं गमागमपदे स्थितम्॥८८॥
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Kalmaṣakṣīṇamanasā smṛtimātranirodhanāt| Dhyāyate paramaṁ dhyeyaṁ gamāgamapade sthitam||88||
(The one who firstly,) just by suppressing the thoughts (smṛti-mātra-nirodhanāt) through a mind in which all the impurities have been destroyed (kalmaṣa-kṣīṇa-manasā), meditates (dhyāyate) on the supreme object of meditation (paramam dhyeyam) which is residing (sthitam) in the state of going and coming.
English Translation
श्लोक या मंत्र खोजें
अपना श्लोक/मंत्र खोजने के लिए कुछ भी टाइप करें