
कामान् यः कामयते मन्यमानः स कामभिर्जायते तत्र तत्र । पर्याप्तकामस्य कृतात्मनस्तु इहैव सर्वे प्रविलीयन्ति कामाः ॥२॥

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kāmān yaḥ kāmayate manyamānaḥ sa kāmabhirjāyate tatra tatra. paryāptakāmasya kṛtātmanastu ihaiva sarve praviliyanti kāmāh


He who, cherishing objects, desires them, is born again here or there through his desires, But for him whose desires are satisfied and who is established in the Self, all desires vanish even here on earth.

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः